Merger and Acquisition Roadmap

Merger and Acquisition Roadmap During a merger or acquisition, there are 4 key steps that must happen to ensure a smooth transition internally, in the media and in the boardrooms of your customers. STEP 1: PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT Develop key messages to be used internally and externally in branding, communications, PR, advertising and social media. STEP 2: DAY-1 TACTICAL EXECUTION PLAN Announce the transaction and be prepared with collateral to address the media, clients, customers and employees. STEP 3: THE FIRST 100 DAYS Open communication to customers and employees is critical. Step 1 is critical in preparing both companies to operate smoothly during this transition. STEP 4: DAY 101–1 YEAR POST ACQUISITION The newly joined companies now function as a fully integrated team. Any lingering divisions between the two sides can result in a failed merger or acquisition.