Going Public — The Process

Mina Mar Group Agreement
Your company will then formalize its arrangement with Mina Mar Group which will outline Mina Mar Group’s plans, timelines, process, fees, the size of the offering, the price ranges and other parameters. In addition, decisions at this point will be made as to whether or not the company will be merged into a blank checks shell, or will use an alternative method such as a Direct Public Offering (DPO).
Drafting the Prospectus
After the letter of intent is signed, Mina Mar Group, in combination with our securities lawyers and your accountants, will begin preparing the prospectus. The prospectus is a written document prepared for investors as a legal disclosure document. The prospectus is required to contain the following information:
1. Audited financial statements
2. Business description
3. Management structure
4. The company’s capitalization
5. Management compensation
6. Transactions between the company and management
7. Shareholdings of principal shareholders
8. Intended use of the proceeds of the offering
9. Disclosure and discussion of the company’s operations and financial condition
10. The effect of dilution on existing shares
11. The company’s dividend policy
12. The underwriting agreement


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